Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Just put One Foot in Front of the Other

We are almost there! A few weeks ago Dan had some minor surgery to clean up his "interesting" foot. Doesn't he look great in a cap and gown? Anyway, the procedure went really well. My favorite part was waiting in pre-op with Dan. Some older lady on the other side of the curtain was being prepped as well. We heard the usual nurse to patient dialoge: "Do you have any diabetes problems....Yes. Do you have any side effects from Morphine...yes. Do have any liver problems.....not yet." NOT YET?! Are you kidding me? That's a lot of optomism for you. We tried so hard to snicker as quietly as possible.

Next week is Dan's final appointment and we are hoping for the OKAY to ditch the crutches so he can finally start walking. I hope that is what the doctor has in mind because Dan might just do it anyway. He's been such a great patient. Never complaining, always trying to do things for himself. What a guy!


Rachel said...

Feel better Dan! Yes you look smashing in that cap!

Kelli said...

You belong on the red carpet Dan Hilton. Pretty snazzy! The dialogue between the nurse and patient was funny. I wouldn't have been so discreet I don't think. Jen, I bet you've been the best nurse ever!

P.S. Are you going to be releasing any spring designs for any boutiques? I think I might hit you up for a couple.

Lindsay Skinner said...

He picks 'Yes' for his tattoo?? If I got a tattoo it would have been prettier than 'yes'! J/K I hope his foot is feeling great!

sara said...

ok i am catching up on your posts and everyone looks so great...even dan in the cap and that you got to listen in on a conversation between the nurse and patient...its nice to be optimistic...hope dan's foot heals up real nice!