First cup of Moo-Juice.
First try at eggs. Adam loved the scrambled eggs! I think he couldn't believe we would keep such a tasty treat from him.
First steps. Adam has been toying with walking for about a month now. Here is Adam and his cousin Ryan taking turns giving each other rides. He is now walking 70% of the time and is pretty darn good.
At 11 months Adam can say "tane" (thanks) when you give him something. He has learned the concept of In and Out. The word "no" sounds more like nun nun nun. Adam has learned to follow simple orders though often smiles and takes off in the opposite direction. He loves open doors and has an especially keen eye for an open bathroom. He loves sitting with the kids and "playing" video games. Adam can also nod "Yes." Notice his eyebrows follow the direction of his head in the video below.
This Christmas Adam had his:
First Candy Cane. At first he made a sour face. Perhaps that was because the candy cane was probably a year old. Once he got sucking on it he just couldn't get enough
First ornament. It was a little snowman bell. He loved to jingle it.
First Christmas Tree. He left it pretty much alone! He has also inspired the 2/3 decorating style where we only decorate the top 2/3 of the tree in hopes he wouldn't rip any off.
I love adam.
You've got a Ryan too? Killing me!
Yes - I realize Ryan is a cousin but it's funny to see Ryan & Adam in the same sentance with a different family!
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