Thursday, July 24, 2008


I have some evil scientists at my house. Josh was inspired by a book he read about a kid who figured out mysteries by using the scientific method. Near the end the book there was a list of the entire method and supplies needed to become your own scientist.

So with a few empty water bottles and old baby food containers "Professor" Josh & Em were open for business (or so the signs say) creating any concoction they could imaging. With a little flour, veggie oil, dish soap, baking soda, vinegar and cranberry juice their work began. Thank goodness for the outside play house/science lab where we can fix every mess with a hose!


mama cow said...

Josh will cure CF someday I am sure of it!

Lindsay Skinner said...

How cute! I can't believe how much he likes to learn. I am pretty sure I was nothing like that as a child (not really like that now either!)

skinners said...

so fun! you are such a good mom and let them do the funnest things. poor madison! and i would LOVE to come hang out with you guys. this is dan's last week so after he leaves. we'll be in touch.

ps - i left you a memory!

pps - i heard about adam's little 'tumble' from the bed. is he all right?

Unknown said...

SOOOOO Cute! I need to come over for a demonstration.

AND I can't believe how much Adam looks like Dan!

Rachel said...

What little smarty pants! They are so awesome!