The Primary Program is just around the corner so primary songs are spilling out of our house lately. I'm singing them, the kids sing them, day and night. It's even inspired me to practice a little piano. Now don't get any crazy ideas, my skills are so basic that I'm thrilled when I master a song from the simplified Hymn book. Anyway, as I reached the song "Called to Serve" I reminded Emi that she knew this song from primary. She mumbled over the first verse (nice), but really chimed in on the chorus. It took me only a moment to realize how NOT good of a job I've been doing as music teacher. This is Emi's version of the chorus:
"Awkward, ever Awkward, as we glory in His name..."
Ugh, I need more Sundays to practice.
That is so funny. For many years as a child I thought the second verse of I am a Child of God said "and so my knees are grey".
I love how kids sing and I RARELY correct them. You are an amazing singing teacher! Also just a little tid bit of info. My kids get one cup with their name on it the whole day. washing too many cups is my pet peeve too!
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