What a Reunion! People everywhere, food, games, crafts. Not a clean kid in sight. Every July 4th weekend we have a giant LeBaron Reunion. It is a 4 generation reunion. My Grandpa, Milo LeBaron, and his 4 siblings (together called The Big 5) have cabins in Strawberry, AZ where the "organized" chaos takes place. Since there are over 75 members of the Milo LeBaron's and each of his siblings have equally large families you can see how the numbers multiply.
The festivities always begin Saturday morning. Everyone wears their family T-shirts and heads down to make our traditional breakfast. It is a version of Toad-in-a-Hole, but cooked on #10 cans heated by Bunsen burners. It seriously takes 30 minutes (no kidding) to make one serving, but it gets the family in the mood for the rest of the festivities.
Then Sunday morning we all, and I mean all of us, get dooded up and drive into Pine to go to church. What a blessing to have a chapel so close. Since our hundreds overwhelm the masses a bit, we leave after the Sacrament Meeting hour and return to Strawberry to hold a family meeting. Outside in our camping chairs and Sunday cloths we discuss a little family business and then we have testimony time. This is my favorite part of the reunion. Testimonies from the Big 5 and down through all 4 generations. Anyone who wishes, may bare their testimony. I wish everyone I know could have been there. Grandpa shares his wise witness, second and third cousins getting ready to leave on missions testify of the gospel they will soon be teaching. Aunts, great-uncles, parents, nephews & great-grandchildren- All bound together by the love and truth found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Even our Emily, who will take a microphone any day, was a little hesitant to share her feelings of the gospel to the masses. In the end, Em's sweet heart won out and she added her testament to the rest. In an atmosphere like this, it was so easy for me to understand the Lord's plan for us to be organized in families. It was so clear, so obvious that it would be a family that would help us return to God. Family...ALL this family. Together witnessing, supporting, & loving. My words don't do it justice. As a child I never knew how rare it all was nor how fortunate I was to have so much support and so many examples of righteous living. In all my 30+ years there are few things I know with certainty, but these I do know:
God lives. He loves all His children. Families are central to His eternal plan. He sent His son Jesus Christ to atone for the world and if I but repent and live His commandments I can return to Him again. I know my Heavenly Father loves me. I know He hears and answers my prayers. Living His plan, striving to choose His way brings peace and happiness into my life. I love my family. I love the Lord's words and His gospel which are found in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Great post. Awesome family!
I wish we could have stayed up there longer!! I know that you realize how lucky you are to have a big, close, extended family like that! I'm glad to be a part of it!
And I was just looking at the pictures and thought- 'my goodness, Em's hair is looooooong!'
What an amazing thing you do with your family. It's clear to see why you are so awesome.
I really enjoyed this post. Jen, I can't believe how much Emily looks like you! So stinking cute!
FUN! And how is that baby growing so fast????
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