Sunday, October 5, 2008

Conference moments

Some of our favorite Conference Moments:

Emily: Sunday Afternoon, Elder Oswald? "The Jump rope talk" & Elder Keith McMullin's talk. (maybe this is my favorite, but she took lots of notes and in her notes she wrote "Crij" or her version of courage.

Josh: Sunday morning, Elder Hales "I like how he whistles when he talks mom." (plus today was my best BIRTHDAY EVER!!!!)

Adam: Stealing crayons from the big kids & eating them. Tearing papers and waving my hands around like a crazy every time the choir sang."

Dan: Priesthood Session, President Uchtdorf

Jen: Saturday Afternoon, Primary Choir & Elder Wirthlin's "Come what may and love it!"
Saturday AM, Elder Oaks' "How to have the Spirit"
Loving that my kids watched 90% of conference Saturday & Sunday because they wanted to

Overall, there were so many talks about triumphing in challenges and letting faith overcome fear. I think the bottom line is: Stuff happens, but lets Be Happier!


mama cow said...

I also really enjoyed the childrens choir. It made me teary for sure. I think you hit the nail on the head with the overall theme too. Crij that is soooo funny and cute! :) Happy birthday Josh!!

sara said...

loved all of it!