Thursday, October 23, 2008

Pet deprived

Our kids are apparently pet deprived. I know it's sad. We've had a few fish, a bunny on loan (another story completely), and lately a kitty. One morning a couple of months ago, a little cat stumbled into our yard. He seemed very tame, but lost. We gave it some water and some tuna. The kids were so hopeful to keep this cat for their own. I was even beginning to soften up, despite my allergy to felines. That cat was pretty darn cute! The deal was, if the cat was still in the yard when the children returned from school, we'd consider keeping it. To their utter disappointment, he was gone. Our "Kitty" does return often to visit though. They love to play with it and hold it. Here is Emily, trying to put a leash on the cat. The leash belongs to her toy dog and apparently no one ever told her cats don't do leashes. She was pretty persistent and patient though. You can see the gleam of success on her face when her goal was finally accomplished.


mama cow said...

That is the best kind of cat to have, one that just visits every once in a while. He will come by more often if you keep a little food out for him.

Lindsay said...

That's hilarious!!! She looks so proud of herself!

I'm getting to the point that I don't think I want to be a pet person. The kids were devastated when we flushed their pet fish down the toilet when we moved. All drains lead to the ocean, right? ;)