Friday, August 22, 2008

Salve and a Bandaid

Waiting area/Snuggle time

Well, our little "procedure" is done. This morning Adam had a minor readjustment to his. . . um . . . tender bits. Everything went really well.

Heart rate/Gown & Ankle band

The staff was so sweet and little Adam tolerated it like no kid could. No wailing, no major complaints. What a kid! All the nurses wanted to keep him after only a couple of hours. He was even crawling around before long. Here are a few pictures of our out-patient experience. I think it was more traumatic for me! Thank goodness my Mom and Dan were there.


Post Op and still sleepy


mama cow said...

Such a sweet little guy! I am glad it is all over for all of you! :)

Rachel said...

Poor guy! Glad he is recovering well. He such a little doll.

Lindsay said...

What a trooper!! Now Matt can no longer call him Uno! ;)

Unknown said...

Glad you didn't photograph the procedure. What a good sport.

Kristen said...

Oh...poor little guy - what a trooper!!

Kelli said...

Oh...sweet little man!